Research Portfolio
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Title |
Institution |
Investigator |
Status |
Research Program Area |
02227-MOU: Identification of Genetic Markers of Pulmonic Stenosis in Bulldogs | University of California, Davis | Joshua A Stern, DVM, PhD | Closed | Cardiology |
02172-MOU: Understanding Hereditary Deafness in Dogs | Louisiana State University | George M. Strain, PhD | Closed | Neurology |
02233-A: Evaluation of a Novel Technique for Gastric Decompression in Dogs with Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus | University of Florida | J. Brad Case, DVM, MS | Closed | Gastrointestinal Disease |
02232-MOU: Characterization of Upper Airway Syndrome in Norwich Terriers | Michigan State University | Bryden J. Stanley, BVMS | Closed | Lung and Respiratory Disease |
02229-A: TPLO Surgery and Recovery: A Comparison of Arthroscopy and Arthrotomy | Washington State University | Andrea Sundholm-Tepper, DVM | Closed | Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disease |
02193-A: Identifying the Genetic Basis of Fetal Anasarca in Bulldogs/Canines | University of Illinois | Anna V. Kukekova, PhD | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02180-A: Exploring the Canine Immune System for New Treatments | University of Iowa | Christine A Petersen, DVM, PhD | Closed | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
02175-A: Development of a Brucellosis Vaccine for Dogs | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Angela M Arenas, DVM, PhD | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02231-A: Bioavailability of Suppository Acetaminophen for Treatment of Pain in Healthy and Critically Ill Dogs | University of Wisconsin, Madison | Jonathan F Bach, DVM | Closed | General Canine Health |
02226-A: Pilot Clinical Trial to Test the Efficacy of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Over-Expressing IL-10 to Treat Osteoarthritis in Elbows of Senior Dogs | University of California, Davis | Fernando A Fierro, PhD | Closed | Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disease |
02192-A: Advanced Semen Analysis in Labrador Retrievers | University of California, Davis | Stuart Meyers, DVM, PhD | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02188-A: Combined Anti-Mullerian Hormone and Progesterone Testing for the Diagnosis of Canine Ovarian Remnant Syndrome | Cornell University | Ned J Place, MD, PhD | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02187-MOU: Investigating Symmetrical Lupoid Onychodystrophy in Bearded Collies | University of California, Davis | Anita M. Oberbauer, PhD | Closed | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
02171-MOU: Histiocytic Sarcoma in Bernese Mountain Dogs: Novel Approaches To Treatment | Michigan State University | Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, PhD | Closed | Oncology |
02176-A: Intralymphatic Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Canine Atopic Dermatitis | Tufts University | Andrea Lam, DVM | Closed | Dermatology and Allergic Disease |
02182-A: Is Defective Secretion of Antimicrobial Peptides Associated with Reduced Microbicidal Effects in Atopic Keratinocytes? | University of Florida | Domenico Santoro, DVM | Closed | Dermatology and Allergic Disease |
02105-A: The Genetics of Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca in West Highland White Terrier | University of California, Davis | Christopher J Murphy, DVM, PhD | Closed | Ophthalmology |
02148-A: The Prevalence of the Dal-Negative Blood Type and Its Mode of Inheritance in Doberman Pinschers and in Dalmatians | University of Montreal | Marie-Claude Blais, DVM | Closed | Blood Disorders |
02147: Use of MicroRNA Profiles in the Serum of Dogs for Early Diagnosis of Mitral Valve Disease and Dilated Cardiomyopathy | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen | Gerhard Wess, PhD | Closed | Cardiology |
02164-MOU: Determining the Genetic Contribution to Boxer Corneal Ulcers | North Carolina State University | Kathryn M Meurs, DVM, PhD | Closed | Ophthalmology |
02163: Is Hypothyroidism a Contributor to Progression of Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy? | North Carolina State University | Kathryn M Meurs, DVM, PhD | Closed | Cardiology |
02165-MOU: Identification of Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets for Canine Degenerative Myelopathy: The Search for A Cure | University of Missouri, Columbia | Joan R. Coates, DVM, MS | Closed | Neurology |
02152: Translation of MicroRNA into an Early Diagnostic Test for Chronic Kidney Disease | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Mary B Nabity, DVM, PhD | Closed | Kidney & Urological Disease |
02157-MOU: Genomics of Deafness in the Dalmatian | University of Sydney | Claire M Wade, PhD | Closed | Neurology |
02162-MOU: Defining The Genetic Foundations of Chiari-Like Malformation and Syringomyelia as a Tool to Better Treat Neuropathic Pain in the Dog | North Carolina State University | Natasha J Olby, VetMB, PhD | Closed | Neurology |
02138: Development of Accurate Diagnostic Tests for Canine Hypothyroidism | University of Utrecht | Jan A Mol, PhD | Closed | Endocrinology |
02145-A: Prevention of Glaucoma and Goniodysgenesis through Genetic Profiling of Disease | Animal Health Trust | Cathryn S Mellersh, PhD | Closed | Ophthalmology |
02110-A: Investigating the Effects of an Infusion of Fenoldopam on Kidney Function to Improve Outcomes of Acute Kidney Injury Patients | University of Pennsylvania | Jonathan D Foster, VMD | Closed | Kidney & Urological Disease |
02103-A: Development of an Effective Canine Periodontal Disease Vaccine | Boston Medical Center | Paola Massari, PhD | Closed | General Canine Health |
02136-A: Development of a Low Cost, Non-Invasive Test to Determine Whether Females Have Been Spayed | University of Minnesota | Margaret V. Root Kustritz, DVM, PhD | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02161-A: Supporting the Evidence-Based Use of Antibiotic Gels after Extensive Dental Plaque Removal in Dogs | The Animal Medical Center | Django Martel, DVM | Closed | General Canine Health |
2133: Canine Epilepsy: Genetic Variants, Biomarkers, and New Therapies | University of Minnesota | Ned E. Patterson, DVM, PhD | Closed | Epilepsy Initiative |
02131: Neurostimulation: A Groundbreaking New Treatment for Canine Epilepsy | The University of Melbourne | Sam Nicholas Long, PhD | Closed | Epilepsy Initiative |
2002: Defining the Genetic Basis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Royal Veterinary College, University of London | Karin Allenspach, DVM, PhD | Closed | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
02146-A: Development of a Novel Drug Delivery System to Prevent Vision Loss in Canine Cataract Patients | Ohio State University | Heather Chandler, PhD | Closed | Ophthalmology |
02141-A: Describing the Kinetic and Kinematic Recovery of Dachshunds with Spinal Cord Injury | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Gwendolyn J. Levine, DVM | Closed | Neurology |
02139-A: Development of a Neuromusculoskeletal Computer Simulation Gait Model to Characterize Functional Recovery in Dogs with Intervertebral Disk Herniation | University of Louisville | Gina E Bertocci, PhD | Closed | Neurology |
2120: Investigating Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy in Weimaraner Dogs | University of California, Davis | Danika L Bannasch, DVM, PhD | Closed | Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disease |
02143-A: Development of a Novel Treatment for Intervertebral Disc Disease | University of Wisconsin, Madison | Gordon S. Mitchell | Closed | Neurology |
02093-A: Sequencing Histiocytic Sarcoma (HS) loci identified by Genetic Association studies in the Bernese Mountain Dog (BMD) | CNRS - University of Rennes | Catherine Andre, PhD | Closed | Oncology |
02091-A: Differentiating between Localized and Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma in Bernese Mountain Dogs | National Human Genome Research Institute | Elaine A Ostrander, PhD | Closed | Oncology |
2109: Studying Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (HOD) In Irish Setter Dogs | University of California, Davis | Danika L Bannasch, DVM, PhD | Closed | Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disease |
02142-A: Development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Non-Invasive Tool to Accurately Evaluate Elbow Dysplasia | University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc | Samuel Patrick Franklin, DVM, PhD | Closed | Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disease |
02124-A: Determining the Characteristics of Sperm That Accurately Predict Fertility of Stud Dogs | University of California, Davis | Stuart Meyers, DVM, PhD | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02123-A: Identifying the Gene Responsible For Inherited Infertility and Sterility in 28 Breeds | Cornell University | Vicki Meyers-Wallen | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02118-A: Targeting the Mechanism of Bacterial Adherence during Pyometra to Develop an Effective, Non-Invasive Treatment for Disease | University of Veterinary Medicine of Vienna | Cordula Bartel, PhD | Closed | Reproductive Conditions |
02128-A: Redefining the Recommendations for Prevention of Infectious Disease at Dog Shows and Other Areas Where Dogs Meet and Compete | Ohio State University | Jason Stull, VMD, PhD | Closed | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
02101: Whole Genome Sequencing for Great Dane Dilated Cardiomyopathy | North Carolina State University | Kathryn M Meurs, DVM, PhD | Closed | Cardiology |
02111-A: Evaluating the Contribution of Fungal Infection to the Pathogenesis of Atopic Dermatitis: Putting Evidence under the Use of Antifungal Medication | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Jan S Suchodolski, DVM, PhD | Closed | Dermatology and Allergic Disease |
02116-A: Establishing Best Practices in the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance | University of Pennsylvania | Shelley Rankin, PhD | Closed | Dermatology and Allergic Disease |
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