Research Portfolio
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Title |
Institution |
Investigator |
Status |
Research Program Area |
03368: Liquid Biopsy for Early Relapse Detection and Improved Treatment of Canine Mast Cell Tumors | University of Florida | Paulo Vilar Saavedra, DVM, MS and Keita Kitagawa, PhD | Open | Oncology |
03321-A: Ehrlichiosis and Hemostasis: Uncovering the Molecular Pathophysiology of Perioperative Bleeding in Ehrlichia canis-positive Dogs through Comparative Transcriptomics | Murdoch University | Amanda Duarte Barbosa, BVetMed, PhD | Open | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
03286: Single Nucleus RNA Sequencing of Canine Hemangiosarcoma - A Comparative Study of Splenic, Extra-Splenic, and Metastatic Tumor Profiling for Targeted Therapeutic Development | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | Alexandre B Le Roux, DVM, MS, DECVDI, DACVR and Ronan Chaligné, PhD | Open | Oncology - Hemangiosarcoma |
03300: Probiotic Prevention of GI Hyperpermeability and Metabolome Disturbances in Dogs with Multicentric Lymphoma Undergoing Multi-drug Chemotherapy | Kansas State University | Maria C Jugan, DVM, MS, DACVIM | Open | Oncology - Lymphoma |
03293: Foundational Studies for Translating FGFR Inhibition in Canine Osteosarcoma | University of Teramo | Marcella Massimini, PhD | Open | Oncology - Osteosarcoma |
03322-A: Whole Genome Sequencing of 3 Fungal-like Organisms and Development of a Quantitative Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) for Oomycosis Diagnosis in Dogs | University of Florida | Dr. Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann, DVM, PhD and Maiara Goncalves Ramos, DVM | Open | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
03283: Investigating the Immune and Cytoreductive Activities of Gilvetmab Alone and in Combination with Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase Inhibition in Canine Urothelial Carcinoma | University of Illinois | Timothy M. Fan, DVM, PhD and Takamitsu A. Kato, PhD | Open | Oncology |
03305-A: TRAF3 as a Novel Prognostic Biomarker in Canine Tumor-associated Macrophages | Colorado State University | Rachel V Brady, DVM, DACVIM and Douglas H Thamm, VMD, DACVIM | Open | Oncology |
03294: Formulation of Radiopharmaceutical Cocktails with MIRDcell AI to Treat B Cell Lymphoma in Dogs | University of Tennessee | Nora L Springer, DVM, PhD, DACVP and Roger Howell, PhD | Open | Oncology - Lymphoma |
03281-MOU: Kidney Disease in Shetland Sheepdogs | Texas A&M University | Mary B Nabity, DVM, PhD | Open | Kidney & Urological Disease |
03262: Dual Energy Computed Tomography and Bone Resorption Markers in Dogs with Appendicular Osteosarcoma Treated with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy | Colorado State University | Tiffany W. Martin DVM, MS, DACVR | Open | Oncology - Osteosarcoma |
03274: Multimodal Quantification of Mitral Regurgitation in Dogs with Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease | University of Illinois | Ryan Fries, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology), DECVIM-CA (Cardiology) | Open | Cardiology |
03279: Understanding the Immune Landscape of Canine Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease and the Role of Inflammation in Disease Pathogenesis | Tufts University | Vicky Yang DVM, PhD, DACVIM | Open | Cardiology |
03275: Diet-Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Zeroing in on a Cause | Tufts University, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine | Lisa M. Freeman, DVM, PhD | Open | Cardiology |
03280: Exploring the Relationship between Serum Chloride Concentrations and the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Dogs with Congestive Heart Failure | University of Florida | Darcy B Adin, DVM, DACVIM and Autumn N Harris, DVM, DACVIM | Open | Cardiology |
03235: Prevalence of Heterobilharzia americana in Labrador Retrievers in Texas | Texas A&M University | Kathleen Moira Aicher, DVM, DACVIM | Open | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
03257: B cell Subset Analysis Through Spatial Transcriptomics with Application to B cell Disorders | Colorado State University | Emily D Rout, DVM, PhD | Open | Oncology - Lymphoma |
03248: The Application of Magnetic Resonance Elastography in the Assessment of Dogs with Idiopathic Epilepsy | University of Illinois | Kari D Foss, DVM, MS | Open | Epilepsy Initiative |
03237: Impact of Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis on the Intestinal Microbiome in Selected Surgical Procedures | University of Zurich | Mirja C Nolff, Dr. med. vet., DVM | Open | General Canine Health |
03273: Characterizing Potential Novel CIRD Pathogen and CIRD Microbiome Perturbations | University of New Hampshire | David B Needle, DVM | Open | Lung and Respiratory Disease |
03189: Efficacy and Safety of Ripasudil and Nicotinamide for Canine Corneal Endothelial Dystrophy | University of California, Davis | Sara M Thomasy, DVM, PhD | Open | Ophthalmology |
03255-MOU: Clinical Characteristics and Heritability of Idiopathic Epilepsy in the Otterhound Breed: A Survey-based Study | North Carolina State University | Karen Muñana, DVM, MS | Open | Epilepsy Initiative |
03265-A: Improving Safety by Utilizing a Hypotensive Prediction Index (HPI) Computer to Predict Hypotension in Dogs Undergoing General Anesthesia | Colorado State University | Hisashi Sakata, BVM and Pedro Boscan, DVM, PhD | Open | General Canine Health |
03261-A: Mechanisms of Immunotolerance in Canine Oral Melanoma: An Opportunity for Comparative Approaches | University of Florida | Valentina Stevenson, DVM, PhD and Rowan J Milner, BVSc, MMedVet, PhD | Open | Oncology |
03259-A: Screening for Genetic Variants Using Whole Exome Sequencing in Dogs with Protein-losing Enteropathy | Michigan State University | Sara Jablonski, DVM, PhD | Open | Gastrointestinal Disease |
03243-A: Comparison of Clorazepate and Levetiracetam as Pulse Therapy for the In-Home Management of Cluster Seizures in Dogs with Idiopathic Epilepsy: A Pilot Study | North Carolina State University | Karen R. Muñana, DVM, MS | Open | Epilepsy Initiative |
03228: Identification of Tumor-Specific Proteins for Targeted Therapy in Solid and Disseminated Histiocytic Sarcoma | University of Zurich | Enni Markkanen, Dr. med. vet., Dr. sc. nat. and Mirja C Nolff, Dr. med. vet., DVM | Open | Oncology |
03194: A Blueprint to Develop Next-Generation CAR T Therapy for Canine Lymphoma | Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania | Matthew J Atherton, BVSc, PhD | Open | Oncology - Lymphoma |
03219: Combining Traditional and Multiomic Approaches to Reveal the Cause and Mechanisms of Canine Dysautonomia | University of Wyoming | Jonathan H Fox, BVSc | Open | Neurology |
03227: Genetic Testing for Cruciate Ligament Rupture Using Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) Prediction | University of Wisconsin, Madison | Peter Muir, BVSc, PhD | Open | Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disease |
3195: Early Genetic Markers of Histiocytic Sarcoma for Faster Diagnosis and More Effective Treatment | CNRS - University of Rennes | Benoit Hedan, DVM, PhD | Open | Oncology |
03187: Investigating Volatile Organic Compounds as Potential Markers of Canine Hemangiosarcoma by Trained Bio-detection Dogs | Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania | Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD; | Open | Oncology - Hemangiosarcoma |
03209: Discovery of Major Antigenic Determinants of Antibody Responses to Colonizing and Infecting Canine Staphylococcus pseudintermedius | Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine | Felix N Toka, DVM, PhD and Patrick Butaye, DVM, PhD | Open | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
03186-A: Comparison of Genomic Mutation Status Between Primary Site and Metastatic Lymph Node in Canine Oral Malignant Melanoma | University of Missouri | Yoshimi Iwaki, DVM and Jeffrey N. Bryan, DVM, PhD | Open | Oncology |
03212-A: Wolbachia-targeting qPCR for Detection of Heartworm Infection in Dogs | Texas A&M University | Guilherme Gomes Verocai, DVM, PhD and Hassan Hakimi, DVM, PhD | Open | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
03215-A: Investigation of the Role of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Phenol-soluble Modulins in Canine Pyoderma | Long Island University | Ching Yang, DVM, PhD | Open | Dermatology and Allergic Disease |
03121: Optimizing HITI CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing for Treating Defective Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase 4 in Doberman Pinschers | University of Florida | Christopher J Martyniuk, PhD and Amara H. Estrada, DVM | Open | Cardiology |
03158: The Associations between Circulating Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids and the Fecal Microbiome and Metabolome with the Development and Severity of Canine Acute Pancreatitis | The Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Sharon Kuzi, DVM and Michal Mazaki-Tovi, DVM | Open | Gastrointestinal Disease |
03172: Identification of Genetic Risk Factors for Gingival Enlargement in Boxers | Cornell University | Jacquelyn M Evans, PhD and Santiago Peralta, DVM | Open | General Canine Health |
03178-A: Effect of a Canine Systematic Exercise Program on the Dimensions of the Lumbar Paraspinal Musculature and Performance Assessment Scores in Healthy Dogs | University of Pennsylvania | Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD | Open | General Canine Health |
03180-A: Agility Dog Activity Load Measurement Using a Web-based Application and Handler-provided Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) | Washington State University | Debra Sellon, DVM, PhD | Open | General Canine Health |
03181-A : Characterization of Canine CD39 and CD73 for Use in Regenerative Medicine | University of Wollongong | Ronald Sluyter, PhD and Reece Andrew Sophocleous, PhD | Open | Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disease |
03114: Pain Catastrophizing: A Clinically-relevant Phenomenon in Dogs? | North Carolina State University | Margaret Elizabeth Gruen, DVM, PhD and Duncan X Lascelles, PhD | Open | General Canine Health |
03179-A: Optimal Distance for Canine Sprint Testing | University of Pennsylvania | Cynthia M. Otto, DVM, PhD and Clara Wilson, PhD | Open | General Canine Health |
03162: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Treatment of Canine Atopic Dermatitis | University of Zurich | Ana Rostaher, DVM and Nina Maria Fischer, DVM | Open | Dermatology and Allergic Disease |
03106: Clinical Validation of Urinary miR-126 as a Marker of Immune Complex- Mediated Glomerulonephritis in Dogs | Texas A&M AgriLife Research | Mary B Nabity, DVM, PhD | Open | Kidney & Urological Disease |
03147: Improving Treatment of Canine Blastomycosis through Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | University of Illinois | Jennifer M Reinhart, DVM, PhD | Open | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
03166-A: Evaluation of the Effects of Diluted Sodium Hypochlorite on Skin Microbiome in Dogs with Superficial Pyoderma and Atopic Dermatitis: a Single Blinded, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial | University of Florida | Domenico Santoro, DVM, MS, DrSc, PhD and Aline Rodrigues Hoffmann, DVM, PhD | Open | Dermatology and Allergic Disease |
03115: Prolonging Tear Film Stability in Dogs Using a Novel Rabbit Nonpolar Lipid (rNPL593) | University of California, Davis | Brian C. Leonard, DVM, PhD, DACVO and Sara M Thomasy, DVM, PhD | Open | Ophthalmology |
03165-A: Canine Semen Microbiome | Ghent University | Penelope Banchi, DVM and Ann Van Soom, PhD | Open | Reproductive Conditions |
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